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1 freetoken  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 3:22:50pm

Let's see if I can answer any of those questions...

Your age range (or exact age if you feel comfortable sharing):


You have been on LGF this long:

started reading it in 2004, joined as soon as I could, but because I was on another continent never could seem to catch an open registration until 2006

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):

a couple

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born in:


Marital status:


Do you have children? (biological or other)

Not to the best of my knowledge

Do you consider yourself:


I am what I am

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?

I've become quite annoyed by the glibertarians though at one time I was charmed by them. Always detested the confederates and neo-confederates

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?

Not since I ran for school president in 6th grade.

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?



About the same as the next monkey.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

About as much as the next monkey.

2 Lidane  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 3:56:38pm


Your age:

You have been on LGF this long:
Just over 2 years, but I had heard of LGF long before then.

Have you graduated from college?:
Yes. I have a BBA in International Business, and I'm currently in the process of getting an MBA.

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born in:
Not for any real length of time. I spent a summer in France when I was 15 and have family in Mexico that I've visited a lot, but I've mostly just lived here in the States.

Marital status:
Single, but I'm in a long-term relationship.

Do you have children?
No, and I don't want kids. I'll be 39 when I finish grad school and the idea of becoming a parent this late in life doesn't appeal to me. If I change my mind, I'll adopt.

Do you enjoy your current job?
I wish I still had one. Are you hiring?


Do you consider yourself:
Moderate to Liberal
I've jokingly called myself a Red State Liberal for years now, but there's some truth to it. I'm not a crunchy granola Firebagger. I'm not going to give up eating steak or wearing leather. I don't think Obama is a warmongering tyrant. I'm not anti-capitalist, since I'm currently getting an MBA. I don't think that government has every answer.

At the same time, I've seen the unchecked idiocy and ignorance of the modern Republican party at work here in Texas. The religious nutjobs and wingnuts would send us back to the Dark Ages if they could, but only as long as they were in charge. I am convinced they hate women and minorities given their policies. I feel obligated to speak out against it and oppose it, and I've been doing that for quite a few years now.

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?
Not really, no. If anything, watching the current GOP has me more convinced than ever that I'm right to oppose them.

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?
Yes. When I was 19 I was an active volunteer for the Clinton campaign. It was my first introduction to politics.

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?
Yes. There are a few other places I talk about it, but not nearly to the extent that I do here.


Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?
No. I'm an atheist.

If no to the previous question, have you EVER been an active member of any religion or denomination?
I was raised Catholic. Went through my Confirmation at 17, stayed in church until I got out of high school. After that, I bolted. I haven't set foot in a church aside from weddings, funerals, and the occasional service with my mother in 20 years. I don't miss it.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
To the extent that I believe in the overall goodness of people and that I try to be a good person, yes. I just don't ascribe anything to a mythical sky father or supernatural force.

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?
Not really. My evangelical relatives are trying to push me to find a church, but that's not going to happen. I just listen quietly and nod.

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?
I'm not much of a fan. If I was, I'd belong to a church. If others want it, that's cool. I'm not going to tell you that you're a bad person, or deluded, or whatever. It's just not for me.

Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government?
No. Church and state are entirely separate and should stay that way.

About you

I'm a gamer geek, an internet junkie, and overall, I enjoy my life. I'm a music fan, with thousands of songs on my iPod and I read voraciously in both English and Spanish. I love good wine, hanging out with friends, and having a laugh. I'm also a sci-fi nerd and love thrift store shopping.

That's pretty much it. :)

3 Locker  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 4:15:11pm

Well I'll give it a go but I'm skipping what I want to skip...

Age - Linda Carter was my first crush as Wonder Woman

Time on LGF - Says that in my profile popup (Over 2 years)

Lived abroad - 12 months in Saudi Arabia, Iraq & Kuwait

Married 10 years with 1 kid (hers)

Enjoy work as much as possible I suppose

I use the term Progressive to describe my political genre.

Socially it doesn't get much more liberal than me

Fiscally I can't describe my position by using right or left, liberal or conservative since they are political terms and we are talking about money. I don't believe either "party" has an interest in doing anything for the people of this country in the long term.

Capitalism seems to be one of the more successful models, so far but the bottom should move up in a proportional ratio to how much the top moves up.

My political leanings haven't really changed in the last five years other than I've become more informed about some of my previous perceptions/assumptions.

Never been active in a political campaign other than donating money or signing petitions or sending electronic letters. I chose to participate by dissemination of information.

I discuss politics everywhere I go on the web. It's part of my projected identity.

While I read about, watch and perform lots of Buddhist practices I'm not really a member of the community.

Raised Presbyterian.

I am not a spiritual person and that's the primary part of Buddhism which I avoid.

I'm in conflict all day long every single day of my life about everything under the sun including a large percentage based on religion.

In general I view organized religion in an extremely negative way. Specifically it's the evangelical religions which do the most to affect me in this manner.

Religion has absolutely, positively NO place in the federal, state or local government of this secular nation. Not on the money, not in the pledge, not in the court house, not in the school and not in the workplace. Keep that shit to yourself!

About You
Programmer, DBA, House Head, Gunner Fan and 420 Friendly

4 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 4:54:30pm

You really should put up a survey, Charles knows, but the rest of us are kinda all over the place!

5 Tim Nadeau  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 6:43:13pm

Well, I'm an 85 year old codger that's seen my share of political dumbness. I would consider myself a FDR/Truman liberal but am a fiscal conservative. I have not graduated from college, but was a commercial artist before I retired. I was recently widowed after 64 years of marriage. Have 2 sons, a daughter, 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I was raised Catholic, but left the church when I went in the Navy. I have no use for religion and see no good for it in politics. I think the present Republican Party is a train wreck, but some of the people I know buy into it, so we are in real trouble.

6 wrenchwench  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 6:51:25pm

re: #4 Floral Giraffe

You really should put up a survey, Charles knows, but the rest of us are kinda all over the place!

This is a survey! Fill it out!

Me? I gotta go!

7 Michael McBacon  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 7:08:38pm

Your age range (or exact age if you feel comfortable sharing):


You have been on LGF this long:

1 year

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):

Yes. I graduated from McNally Smith College of Music in Saint Paul, Minnesota and received a Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition.

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born in:


Marital status:


Do you have children? (biological or other)

No, but hopefully will someday.

Do you enjoy your current job?

Yes, I am interning full time as a records clerk for the State of Iowa.


Do you consider yourself:


Overall, I identify as a moderate: liberal/libertarian on social issues and a pro-regulation Capitalist.

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?

Yes, quite a bit. 5 years ago, I was a paleo-conservative conspiracy theorist.

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?

Yes, I caucused for Ron Paul in 2008 but now regret it.

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?

Yes, sometimes on Facebook but usually not outside of LGF.


Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?

Yes. I am a Roman Catholic.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

Yes, though not esoterically.

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?

Yes, my values are not as traditional as some people would like them to be.

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?

As of lately, I'd say negatively. I'm disappointed in a lot of Christian denominations and their influence in politics. I've even thought of converting to Judaism, which seems to have a lot more common with my values at present.

Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government?

In guiding a nation's morality, no.

About you

I have Asperger's Syndrome, a mild form of autism. I love writing, playing and listening to music, it's my first language. In my spare time, I like reading nonfiction.

8 Political Atheist  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 7:30:01pm

About halfway home.

Time here?
Registered since 2008.

I consider myself an independent/moderate.

I am a person of faith in God and the immortal soul.

Married for a couple decades or more to the illustrious Dragon_Lady.

I do not blog elsewhere on politics/current events. I have my own blog, all about photography. My passion.

9 Cankles McCellulite  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 7:58:48pm

I like to consider myself a regular LGFer but i don't ever get enough time to spend on here. I would like to be involved more on the actual threads but i always come in after everyone has left.

I am 39.
I have been on LGF for, well i don't know really, a few years maybe.
I am Married -10 years- and have no children.
I am a college graduate but i plan on going back to school soon.
I do not discuss politics anywhere else on the web any more.
Foreign Countries? I have lived in Japan and Guam (unincorporated territory) and i have also lived in Alaska which is veeeeeery close to Russia and in all honesty should be considered a foreign country.
I am an Atheist but come from Southern Quakers and Northern Mainline Protestants.
I am a Liberal which in these times makes me a moderate.
I am a Belly Dancer, more specifically tribal Fusion Belly Dance with a little Gothic Belly Dance -my mother was a Belly dancer and instructor- and i was actually named after a famous Belly Dancer.
I love sewing and Garment design and am planning on taking some advanced couture classes in New York next year.
I like to eat.
My first crush when i was a girl was Carl Sagan.
I had never been in conflict with any family members because of religion until i married my husband because his family are extreme evangelical Christians. More specifically, they are Dominionists working to end Democracy and return America to Jesus. Amen!
I do not view religion negatively, no.
I do not think any specific religion has a place in the Federal Government. However, the Federal Government should be protecting all religions as well as non believers.

10 andres  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 8:39:34pm

Your age range (or exact age if you feel comfortable sharing:

You have been on LGF this long:
About 2 years.

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born:
No, I was born in Puerto Rico, and I'm still living here.

Marital status:

Do you have children? (biological or other):

Do you enjoy your current job?
Yes. Lots of challenges, with great people to work with.

Do you consider yourself:


Liberal on the social side, pragmatic on the economical side. Basically, whatever works to get the job done.

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?
Not by much.

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?
Yes, but quite rarely. It's one of my personal third rails.

Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?

If no to the previous question, have you EVER been an active member of any religion or denomination?

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?
Not yet, but I’m sure the time will come when this happens.

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?
A cynical negative view. Religion has its place, and it can be great and useful. But power can corrupt, and religion without accountability is bad for everyone involved.

Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government? (American Government that is)
None. Aside for showing respect to all religions, Religion shouldn't dictate any public policy.

11 docproto48  Sat, Nov 26, 2011 9:08:21pm


Your age range (or exact age if you feel comfortable sharing):

You have been on LGF this long:
1-2 years

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):
Yes,MD(1985), BS zoology w/minors in chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born in:
just US
Marital status:

If you are married, for how long have you been married to your current spouse? 10 years

Do you have children? (biological or other) 2
Do you enjoy your current job?
I love healing but medical practice is a pain in the ass, I hate insurance companies and durable medical equipment companies

Do you consider yourself:


Conservative in my medical practice but politics depends on the issue
Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?

In 1976 I voted for Ford considering myself middle of the road. My views haven't changed much but the political spectrum shifted so far to the right that the left curb slammed into my foot

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?
Until 2008 I voted every presidential election but had never voted for a winner. This was also the first time I had felt strongly enough to go door to door for Obama in SW Virginia no less
Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?
Just a note her or there when I am irritated.


Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?
Yes, Unitarian

If no to the previous question, have you EVER been an active member of any religion or denomination?N/A

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?Yes

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?
People get annoyed at my viewpoint but I won't argue because I accept the diversity of religious views and try to understand others religions not to pin my view on them. Admittedly I cannot reconcile the views of Dominionists.

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?
Very negatively. that is why I became a Unitarian. Interestingly my parents moved to Reform Judaism for the same reason at the same time.
Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government? Absolutely no place whatsoever. I do however feel that it is as wrong to restrict an individuals religion as it is to force it on anyone
About you

Tell us a little more about yourself, in 250 words or less.

I have so many interests I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I am presently working on a masters in Meteorology and like to chase and photograph storms. I also hope to research weather related pain. I am already predicting fibromyalgia flairs off the weather map. I am a model railroader, building very fine scale models from scratch. I enjoy bicycling (raced cat. 2 in the 1980s) I enjoy music, (both my parents were music professors) on an audiophile system. I can't stand the lack of fidelity on ipods. Life is like a good mystery novel to me, I can't put it down because I need to see whats on the next page.
Oh yes and I enjoy philosophy

12 elizajane  Sun, Nov 27, 2011 1:14:32am

Age: old enough to know better
Here for: 2 years
Degrees: all of them
Lived abroad: Holland for about 6 years, & some time in England
Married: Not married, sir, but domestically partnered
Kids: Three teen-agers (help!), adopted back when I was single
Job: stressful at the moment but I wouldn't change it for anything.

When I lived in Berkeley I felt horribly conservative. When I talk to my father I'm a pinko commie. Reality somewhere in between.
Changes in political leaning? -- not really
Political campaigns? -- not since I ran for Traditions Mistress at Bryn Mawr.
Other politics discussions -- sometimes at FrumForum. Occasional moments of annoyance at the Wash Post.

Episcopalian. Conflict-free: my background is Amish + Jewish, so once the families had digested that, there was no more room for conflict.
Not very spiritual but fascinated by the capacity of others to be that way, especially in history.
Organized religion is like the monarchy: in theory it's absolutely wonderful and from a distance you can love all its pomp and beauty, but you don't really want either religion or a king running your life or your country. Ergo, no, religion has no place in politics.

Currently I am reading through the "1001 Books to Read Before You Die." I'm at 280. I've also written, but not published, a historical novel.

13 Romantic Heretic  Sun, Nov 27, 2011 6:31:52am

Your age range (or exact age if you feel comfortable sharing):

You have been on LGF this long:
Not quite two years

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):
Nope. High school dropout in fact. Although I did go back and finish a few years later. A wasted year in my opinion.

Have you lived in a country other than the one you were born in:
No, although I was born in Germany.

Marital status:

If you are married, for how long have you been married to your current spouse?
A little over a year

Do you have children? (biological or other)
No. Won't have any either. Too old and we're both on disability pensions.

Do you enjoy your current job?
I don't have a job. I'm on the disabled list and will be for the rest of my life.

Do you consider yourself:

I'm a humanist. 'An exaltation of freedom, but one limited by our need to exercise it as an integral part of nature and society.' as my favourite writer puts it.

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign?
Other than as a voter, no. Agoraphobic.

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?
Yes. One devoted pretty much to Canadian politics and one for US/world. The last one I rarely go to because the level of debate reflects American politics at this time. "I have a different opinion." "Well, you're a commie and an enemy of freedom."

Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?
No. I'm agnostic.

If no to the previous question, have you EVER been an active member of any religion or denomination?

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
I really don't know. I cogitate on things religious and spiritual, but I don't know enough to know for sure.

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?
My wife, who's a Christian, and I have had our differences, but then we just agree to disagree.

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?
I can't say I regard religion negatively as much as I regard ideology negatively. Religion tends to become organized, which grants some people power. In order to solidify this power these individuals change the religion into an ideology. Ideologies are not about being good but about being right.

Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government?

Tell us a little more about yourself, in 250 words or less.
"Disturb rather the tiger in his lair than the sage among his books. For to you kingdoms and their armies are things mighty and enduring. To him they are merely toys of the moment to be overturned by the flicking of a finger."

"In the future companies must be systematically open to heresy."

These two quotes sum me up, pretty well. I love learning, which is why I avoid schools. And I tend to challenge received wisdom which is why I call myself a heretic.

I'm currently on a disability. My years as a programmer and my tendency to heresy created stresses that severely damaged my mental health. I'm doing well now but I'll never be able to work again. I've tried several times and every time ended up with my illness re-expressing itself within a couple of months.

I'm trying to supplement my disability with writing. My sojourn into publishing ended up with me being ill again so I'm going the self publishing route. I just put my first self published e-book up for sale last night.

For fun I play video games. I prefer the 'sandbox' type games like the Civilization series. My current favourite is X3: Terran Conflict. Gigantic game, but a lot of fun.

Er, that's it.

14 Locker  Sun, Nov 27, 2011 8:42:42am

These have been really great to read.

Some of you share quite a bit of overlap with myself and certain "issues". At first I hesitated to say this (seriously!) but I feel strongly so here goes.... if available to you via a medical avenue I would sincerely recommend you consider giving marijuana a go at positively affecting your situation(s) if such an effect is desired.

Peace ya'll and thanks for sharing.

15 Bob Dillon  Sun, Nov 27, 2011 10:55:24am

 Registered since: Dec 24, 2005

Have you graduated from college? (yes or no):
 No. All my designations are professional vs. academic.

Lived in another country:
 Yes, I was born in the U.S. I have lived in (established a postal address and paid rent or owned a house) Japan (Fuchu); Vietnam (Saigon); Thailand (Bangkok); Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur); Singapore; Indonesia (Sumatra/Dumai, Bali/Kuta Beach, Babo/Irian Jaya); England (London & Pease Pottage); Belgium (Ostend); Switzerland (Hertenstein); France (Bordeaux); Alaska (Anchorage) (in compliance with Cankles McCellulite’s observation) and BTW Russian territory is clearl visible from Alaskan territory.

Marital status:
 Divorced x3

Do you have children? Yes – son 48, daughter 31.

Do you enjoy your current job?
 Yes. I am a self-employed multi state and multi designated licensed financial professional (over 30 years). And I now train others to do what I do – help parents get their kids thru college while protecting their retirement plans and high end estate/tax planning.

I am also a certified teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program since 1974. Lectured and taught in Asia and still teach in N. CA and Reno. [Link:]

Other: My grandmother, who raised me, was Republican, close friend of Nina Warren and supporter of Earl Warren in his career from Public Defender in Alameda County, CA to the attorney general of California, governor of California, and Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. My cousin was Republican and served in 3 presidential administrations back in the 50s and 60s. My nephew is Republican, former Chief of Staff of a CA state senator and now an executive in the Republican Caucus. My brain was pretty much hard wired Republican.
Disillusioned by politics in general now, I have let it go. I vote for what I think will have the least damaging impact on us.

Has your political leaning changed at all in the past 5 years?
Yes. At this point, collectively and mathematically, its hopeless – we are past the point of no return economically. Individually we still have options.

Have you ever been actively involved in a political campaign? 
Yes, as a kid my grandmother took me in tow while either campaigning for Warren or working the polling place in her district – my job was to observe and learn. While living in Alaska I assisted in getting Dr. John Hagelin on the ballot there.

Do you discuss politics on the web anywhere OTHER than LGF?


Are you an active member of any religion or denomination?
EVER been an active member of any religion or denomination? No
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? Yes

Have you been in conflict with a friend or family member because their religious beliefs differ from yours?

In general do you view organized religion negatively or positively?
 As a business – negatively.

Do you feel religion has any place whatsoever in the Federal Government? (American Government that is) No

16 Bob Dillon  Sun, Nov 27, 2011 10:57:51am

About me.
I was raised and trained to join the financial services industry. As a teenager I rebelled and opted for technology and world travel. World travel had already started in 1956. My training in electronics began in 1960. Data processing and mainframe computers in 1963. I was one of the “go-to” guys in Asia back in the 60s &70s in support of the U.S. military effort [Link:] then and later to the oil exploration community. I have landed on and been catapulted off of every Vietnam era aircraft carrier (as a passenger – how do you spell adrenaline?). Positioned offshore oil rigs (Satellite Navigation back in the stone age, now known as GPS) and traveled to exquisite pristine areas and places where tourist visas are still not obtainable and some have yet to be named. SE Asia had never been surveyed beyond India.

Life back in the states was a bit mundane for me when I returned in the late 70s so I joined the financial community (the money was better) and rose to regional vice president for a group of life insurance companies. Got to experience corporate downsizing so went self-employed and independent about 12 years ago – never looked back.

I have lectured and held seminars on Medicare Compliance for the medical community nationwide (every state except N. Dakota and Wyoming). Donated all my air miles to the military returning from Iraq.

I am co-moderator of the granddaddy of all open source intelligence (OSINT) networks on the Internet (1995 to date). My friend and associate (a Marine counterintelligence SSgt) invented it and received the MCIA Marine of the year award for his brainchild.

U.S. Navy Vet. Electronics, Cryptography, amphibious and mine warfare/EOD Support.

I’ve been a bit rough on my body over the years so the high intensity travel and adventure is pretty much over. I focus now on helping others get what they want financially and training others to make me obsolete by doing the same.

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